Christ by the Flower (1887) by Odilon Redon : College Ruled Notebook: Gallery and Museum Art
Category: Books,Politics & Social Sciences,Social Sciences
Christ by the Flower (1887) by Odilon Redon : College Ruled Notebook: Gallery and Museum Art Details
This lined blank notebook by Artistry Press is customizable for you and your life.About the artist:An incredible collection of paintings from the French symbolist and post-impressionist painter, Odilon Redon (1840–1916). Redon was passionate about art from a young age. Following his fathers wishes he took up architecture, but after failing exams he continued with his love of drawing. His interest in Hindu and Buddhist religion blended with a passion for Japonism influenced the astounding drawings we see today. Explore and enjoy interpreting the meaning of this unique symbolistic painting.This notebook awaits you. Use it as a journal, to record hopes and dreams, express gratitude, to keep a bucket list, as a daily diary, for recipes, or for your To Do lists. The possibilities are endless!Perfect to use for:
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